Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Let's Conversate

By Bobby Lopez

When Sean Webby first called me yesterday for a comment on a story for today’s Mercury News, my initial reaction was: This must be a publicity stunt.

You see, Raj Jayadev was back at City Hall, holding a rally and calling for meetings with Mayor Reed, councilmembers, Chief Davis, and the SJPOA to have an open dialogue about community concerns with police and our union.

It makes sense that Mr. Jayadev would request a meeting by using a microphone instead of a cell phone. After all, he CC’d the mayor and the entire city council on an email he sent to me on June 4th to request just such a meeting. He also posted it on San Jose Inside as well as this website before I’d even had a chance to respond. (See comments here.)

Of course, if he wanted to sit down, he could’ve just called me. That’s what Skyler Porras of the ACLU did several weeks ago. I ended up meeting with Ms. Porras, and we had a productive conversation, even though we don’t see eye to eye on everything.

In my mind, there’s a pattern developing. Remember, Mr. Jayadev’s comments at the City Council meeting on May 5th, which were featured in our now-infamous YouTube video? At that meeting, he used the vague notion of a “street response” as a political threat to intimidate the council into judging arrest data before an independent analysis could happen. I think he believed protests would not reflect well on politicians at election time and the council would indeed feel threatened.

In another case, just a week before that council meeting, Mr. Jayadev walked off the Public Intoxication Task Force in protest. This was an interesting move because he was among the most vocal community members who called for the mayor to create such a task force.

These were the thoughts running through my mind when Mr. Webby called. I got ticked off and said I wouldn’t meet with Mr. Jayadev.

But after I hung up, I remembered my email response to Mr. Jayadev’s request for a meeting almost a month ago. I told him exactly what I later told Ms. Porras: I have an open door policy, and I’ll meet with anyone who wants to talk.

So I called Mr. Webby back and said I would meet even though, given Mr. Jayadev’s track record, I’m skeptical that he wants to engage in a real dialogue.

I’m used to working with all kinds of people, even difficult personalities. I’ll be interested to see if Mr. Jayadev walks out of our meeting to call a press conference if we disagree. What do you think?

Bobby Lopez is President of the San Jose Police Officers' Association.


  1. Mr. Lopez,
    I think these childish games are ridiculous! You’re an elected official by the members of your union. You should tell them all to pound salt, because they can’t fire you or have any influence on your future opportunities to hold the position of SJPOA president. Mr. Jayadev needs to acquire a real job like other hard working Americans. He has cost our city hundreds of thousands dollars for absurd agenda’s which only his few followers actually believe in (reason being that they are erroneous). I’m just tired of reading all the articles blasting San Jose PD on the SJ Merc webpage. Notice how I didn’t say sick, but tired… It has gotten to the point where these supposed “civil rights” leaders are wasting the city of San Jose citizen’s time. Mr. Lopez, please do not hold a meeting with these boondoggles, but tell them to pound salt and go waist somebody else’s time.

    Tim Robbins
    (Citizen of south San Jose)

  2. Sounds like it will be another one sided discussion with Raj grandstanding afterwards about the "typical" behaivor of the PD when he doesnt get the concessions he desires. I then fully expect to see a front page, bold typed article the next day in the Mercury News depicting the struggle of the opressed intoxicated persons versus the city/PD/city council..etc, and how inflexible, unfair the police and the laws are here in San Jose/California/USA.

    On another note though, limitations need to be set for these "activist groups" when it comes to meetings with city officials. It seems that legitimate persons generally seem to use the proper channels to obtain a meeting if they so desire (phone,email,fax, etc.). Yet if you yell, scream, protest, or use vague language to imply sinister consequences, you'll get moved to the head of the line. I think that babying these groups only plays into their political agendas and will create further opportunities for them to spread lies that damage the reputations of the POA and PD. Think of what giving into these meetings could possibly do to damage police credibility in he eyes of juries once the one sided reporting reaches the newspapers?

    Whatever De-Bug's members come up with as a "street response" (which undoubtedly will be more 10 person protests to represent the entire city coverd by every news channel) will fade away when news channels get tired of hearing the same whining about problems that don't exist. They'll just end up damaging their own reputation and credibility with their conduct..without the assistance of, or by engaging in an antagonistc relationship of the city/PD/POA.

    Keep fighting the good fight guys. Please don't let the complaints of the few influence the professional conduct and reputation of the PD by allowing a new forum for these activists to bash you for the great job you do every day. A dangerous job that they will never matter how many stories, facts, or numbers you throw out to them.

  3. Why not start posting some of the rhetoric that De-Bug, and Raj Jayadev uses to scare the citizens here? That way we can see through the BS..

    I'd rather see some samples of their posts here, than give web traffic to their site to see the sillyness that they pass off as "activism".

  4. If Raj hasn't called you, you're right to think this is just about publicity. We've seen his type before. They hold press conferences BEFORE talking to people. It's not really about the dialogue or the issues. It's about them.

    Do you remember when Jesse Jackson came to town years ago to trash our companies for lacking diversity on their boards and at high levels? He was right, but the way he did it suggested he just wanted publicity or his way. He hasn't been back since and has really made any efforts to do anything. I think TJ Rogers of Cypress called him a bird that flies over and craps on everything then flies away.

    I see a lot of Jesse in Raj. They want publicity and love press conferences. But ultimately they're shake down artists. Jackson has been reported numerous times to hitting up corporations for money after publicly critizing them. When Raj doesn't get what he wants, he walks out.

  5. I have to agree with some of what JND says, but don't like the Jesse Jackson analogy. The Rev has made a lot of mistakes but he's also done a lot for civil rights and community.

    I think Raj is a lot more like Al Sharpton, a pure publicity hound with no real interest in progress.

    My advice to you, Bobby, is to meet with him because you have to. But don't be surprised if there are cameras waiting outside your office.

  6. Hey Bobby ,

    If I were you, I'd just meet with the ACLU. They have principles.

  7. The facts:

    Raj and his group do not in any way represent the silent majority of TAX PAYING, LAW ABIDING citizens in San Jose, who respect and appreciate the work of SJPD in our community. Not only did nearly 200 SJPD supporters attend a rally and vigil for the SJPD, and victims of violent crime last month, but also TENS OF THOUSANDS of members of the public, of ALL ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, spoke out in complete support of the SJPD and public safety via email, in public budget forums, through phone calls, and in public Council Meetings during budget hearings.

    Raj uses TAX PAYER money to get Public Information Requests filled via a fee waiver. These requests are far from cheap!

    He organized a very public verbal, media attack, and protest against Council Member Pyle because she expressed an opinion on the dais he didn’t like.

    He and his group jeer at audience members who speak in Council Meetings in support of SJPD, so they people get up and leave or refuse to speak out of fear of retribution. In one of the Council Meetings I attended, Security started throwing folks out it got so bad.

    The list of Raj’s exploits is endless, but the damage he is causing to the very people he purports to be defending is serious. You can’t ignore that kind of behavior but you can’t reward it by giving him any more attention than he is already getting. The Mayor and Council need to put a stop to this grand standing of Raj’s and start focusing on the serious state of our City is in. If the Governor gets his way and takes the millions he wants, we’re all screwed! And if our Mayor and Council is giving Raj preferential treatment over regular tax paying citizens, then that needs to be addressed here and now.

  8. Hey Metro, Watch Dog, Mercury News, and Bobby,
    Raj operates on grants from big business. I wonder how much money they are donating to his attack on the cops and if they even know what kind group they are giving money to. I say an audit is in order or some real investigation from the press on Raj’s non-profit is in order. What say you? Or is the press so infatuated with Raj's BS that you fairness doesn't matter one dam bit to you? Investigate Raj’s group, his funding and him ripping off the public by getting free public information requests on our dime, and tying up city staff, our Mayor and Council with his BS. Those are stories we all want to hear.

  9. Anybody have an idea how we can get a list of supporters for Raj.

  10. When questioned about principles and honor, ask yourself: WWRD? What would Raj do? ......then do the exact opposite! (assuming you have morals)
